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Laminated glass is formed as a sandwich of 2 sheets of glass bonded to a tough and thermoplastic polyvinyl butyric (PVB) interlayer.

Extremely high safety: The PVB interlayer with stands penetration by impact. Even if the glass cracks, splinters will stick to the interlayer and not scatter. In comparison with other kinds of glass, laminated glass has much higher strength to resist shock, burglary, burst and bullets.
The interlayer prevents the transmission of solar heat and reduces air-conditioning cost.

Installing laminated glass with a tinted interlayer will beautify the buildings and harmonize their appearances with surrounding views which meet the demands of architects.
The interlayer filters out ultra-violet rays and prevents the colors of furniture and curtains from fading.effective absorber of sound.

Applications:Architecture, Automotive windshield, Bullet/burst-proof purpose, Furniture.


Size: Max:2300mm×6500mm
Thickness: Thickness:3mm-19mm
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